Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Track Types

You can distinguish various types of tracks: Start, Global Control, Decision, Action and Exit and Tracks.

START track

The START track is a default track that can be edited but not removed. New recipients are added to this track each time the campaign is restarted, or after a database refresh which means that new recipients qualify for the campaign's inclusion criteria.

By default, recipients only enter this track once, unless they are directed back to it by the application of a Go to Track.

You can use the Start track as a holding area for recipients that have qualified for the pre-processing inclusion rules, who are then allocated to Tracks based on event criteria.


Use the GLOBAL CONTROL track to check Subscription, Variable, and Event criteria before a recipient is allowed to continue in a campaign. All recipients would be processed through this track before proceeding to a Decision track.


DECISION Tracks define the Variables that will be set for each recipient, unique to the campaign. At each campaign milestone, or after a data update, it may be beneficial to send recipients back through the Global Control and Decision track to re-evaluate any decisions that may be influenced by a data change for that recipient, for example an update to communication preferences or updated Engagement Scores.


Action tracks are a set of tracks that use time item tools like After a Period and On a Schedule to define when tactics will be implemented.

EXITS Tracks

Exit tracks are a set of tracks that which do nothing but hold recipients until they are moved by a trigger event. Recipients would typically be moved here if they failed the Global Controls checks, or when they had naturally completed the Campaign cycle. Examples may include tracks like 'Inactive', 'Complete' and 'Finish'.

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